Company BTL numbers soar:

The number of limited company buy-to-let products to choose from has increased by a third in the first quarter of 2017 the buy-to-let Index has revealed. There are currently 266 products, up from 198 in the fourth quarter of 2016.

With the changing face of the buy to let mortgage market, it is no surprise that lenders are keen to appeal to limited company borrowers.

The majority of brokers have been recommending for some time that clients seek professional tax advice to determine whether incorporation is the most suitable route for their circumstances, and these figures can only further encourage landlords to consider their position. Set up costs of a limited company can be expensive but the long-term benefits can be very beneficial.

Limited company interest rates have also dropped in line with landlord demand and are now very competitive compared to their counterparts.

As of quarter 1 2017 77% of all buy-to-let purchase applications are being made via a corporate vehicle, up from 69% in quarter4 2016 and 21% before the 2015 summer budget when the tax relief changes were made.

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If you are looking for a new or re-mortgage do contact us and one of our qualified advisers will be happy to assist.